Wednesday, December 13, 2006

For the Girl who loves me.....

I have always had this feeling for some time now that there is a girl who loves me like hell.....may be i know her may be i dont......behind every stare that i receive, in every conversation behind my back i can feel your love for me...whenever i talk to a girl i feel your jeolousy....i dont know whether
i know u in person or not,but i am sure you exist...
Call it my intuition,extra sensory perception or whatever,but i know u exist.....
I can feel ur feelings for me and the depth of ur passion,but what i cannot see is why,why are you hiding this from me.......
U may have ur reasons.......i tell the truth i have never said yes to a single girl who had said 'they liked me'....and who knows i may say no to u as well......
May be you feel you and i are not meant to be together,you feel that our worlds are far apart.....
well thats what love is meant to be.....union between two minds faaaarr faaaaarrrr apart.....well it could happen between people similar as well but that love for me has less bite....
If you are similar to me then lemme tell you somethin one of my closest frns is very very similar to me and she is a girl u can try bein my frnd first and who knows your love may succeed.....
Well this is a real short blog and i intend to keep it so......i know even if there is a girl who loves me truly as i said then she may not be readin this at all.......but nyways just u know that i can feel ur love and i respect your decision not to inform me of it and if in any case in futre u decide
to lemme know of ur love for me just go ahead,i may just say yes...........


Sindhya said...

hey keep on beleiving tat ther is someone in this world for u.. i definitely believe god has someone in store for everyone..
also short brief n precise post.. gr8 going its hard to keep such a vast topic short..
keep it up!!

ashwinsudhir said...

Muni, man,
You should try poetry seriously, u know? Here's a tip, just press "Enter" at regular intervals and avoid too many ellipses :D . Your style is already pretty poetic. keep it up!

PS: Was there a hidden agenda behind this post? ;)