Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Heart Break @ midnite

It was nearly at around 2:00 in that fateful monday morning after my heart bore the disappoinment of my favourite sides loss to its arch nemesis in the league that i went back to my room to rest for the day,as was my usual routine i went to charge my mobile.Then i saw the usual symbol of my unread msgs in my mob and as any normal curious guy would do i checked the SMS,there were about 8 of them,but more than the number what interested me was the person who send it.......it was her........my heart was pounding like hell as i opened her msgs one by one............the wordings were different in each but each seemed to say to me onr thing and one thing only........................."I m sorry,i tried to see u in that way but i cant,u just dont fit into my frame for my dream man"........................."I m sticking to my earlier stand,mate this has to end some way and i just cannot keep givin u hope as there is none"........................................it was as if a lightningbolt had struck me..............................she had said it to me many times before but i wouldnt give up..............i kept tryin.....................we had many a debate about our 'concepts' of love......................................but this msg was different,may b becoz it came at a time when i wuz emotionally down,may b bcoz it had a language quite different from wat i had seen from her previous msgs..........................as i read through the last msg which was the first send by her........'plsss call me back if u receive this'..................my throat was dryin...............i could feel a hot lump there................as i stood without knowing wat to du nxt,my phone vibrated again.........
'plsss reply if u had gotten my earlier msg',it said.....................i did not know wat to du,i knew there was no point in telling her tat i still luvd her,i may b even loosing a gud frnd if i did tat.......
my eyes became watery,i knew and had stuck to the norm of 'boys dont cry' always,but it was a nite tat emotion was overpowering me................and as the mobile was vibrating the next time there were beads of my sorrow running down my cheek...................deep in sorrow i started to write my reply................i explaind to her my condition.....................told her tat her words were draining more out of me than a futbol match...................but she didnt understand my words.........hell if she had done this situation would never have taken place..........................
with the heaviness my heart was feeling i told her through my nxt msg...............'plss dnt msg me ever again'...................and it ended..............................she for all the ages hasnt msgd me again...........whenever we have met afterwards she does notice me i know..................but she gets back nothing from my cold barren face.............she never msgd me ever again.........................she may think tat it wuz just another crush and i may forget it...............but for me it wuz much stronger than that...........i have seen many girls in my life from tat point on but none have invoked in me that feeling,that emotion that she did....................i may never forget tat nite,tat dark nite in which my heart wuz broken................................

P.S-This is the end of my trilogy on love,i did not have any particular person in my mind when i wrote this,but if somebody feels his/her story is similar to wat is being said in either of the 3 blogs then i am honoured to have narrated ur story even unknowingly...........................................................

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The dark proposal....

It was a really dark night when i first informed u tat i loved u,and the very next morning i got my

reply,the stereotypical "I tried,but i couldn't see u like tat",yup tats wat almost every girl says to

that unfortunate soul who is unlucky to be born on this earth to not have a successful love ,she

said to me tat she was not at my level,but in this world my dear nobody is at any level

constantly.But beneath all the differences u could see about us i could see only similarities,of

our selflessness,of our spirit,of our love for the fellow being.

And when i told u this u said 'Opposites attract,Likes repel',well it was frustrating as u first

found the differences now weren't u contradictin urself?..................Well when i told u back the

sayin 'Like dissolves like' is more true,u smiled back at me and said 'u should have gone to NLS

rather than CET'................

And we debated she said to me 'why waste ur time with me?in ur pursuit of something u will

never get u may be loosing something more precious',but u dont realise my princess that u are

my most priced diamond that i keep in the deepest,darkest corner of my heart.....................u

rejected my love as a mere 'crush' but my seneorita every love relationship starts with this

mere crush..........................

U have asked me to give up a 1000 times now,but u do not realise that my passion for u will

drive me to propose to u another time,if failed then another far above what mere numbers can

limit..................................................my love for u can make me consume the most feared of all

poisons,make me take on the most powerful of all demons..........................................

My dear here i propose to u again through this dazzling array of words,I know that a mere 3

words cant quantify it but here it goes again,'I LOVE U MY DARLING,MY QUEEN AND MY

EVERYTHING'..........................It may feel to u as ludicrous,but i will keep on trying because i

know someday u may realise the passion tat my heart holds ,the warmth tat my chest


TILL THAT DAY...............................................

Dedicated to a friend of mine whu someday may realise wat true love is................................................