Saturday, September 16, 2006

An Ode to an unknown lover

I dont actually recollect the first time i actually saw her or heard about her,
the real sad thing is i forgot the first time when i actually fell in love with her...
I dont know till date what i fel t special about her,
It shouldnt have been her looks or was it,
Was it her ever captivating smile,
Or was it the 'aura' that i felt around her,
What was it that i liked about her,
What was it that made me feel her so familiar,
eventhough i was seeing her for the first time,
I had seen many other girls before,
had many other so- called 'one-ways' before as well,
I thought i was past all that,I thought i had become mature,
But seeing her,seeing her the colours that were long gone from my mind had returned,
I started realising that there was beuty in melody,
In my mind was ringing that old lovesong,
Seperated we were not by walls,not by cages,
but by a few yards ,a few yards which seemed like a million miles......
I could not help but take my eyes of her,
In the flickering of an instant my attention was turned,
and when i looked back i could not see her,
Taken away she was by the mob that was around us,
I pushed through the mob,pushed and pushed through till the mob was no more,
I couldnt find her,searched her i did,in the nearby bus stop,
In the chain of shops nearby,but find her,i couldn't....
Did she ever notice me,i dont know,
Will i ever see her again ,i dont know either,
But the few moments that i saw her were beautiful,
the music that i heard durin that time i hear it still but it does not seem to have the same
mesmerising effect,the colours that i saw then had vanished and i never saw them ever again

I wait till this day for a day that i may see her again,
waiting i am for that very special day when i see my sweetheart for the next time..................

P.S-Dedicated to all lovers in search of their true love................

Monday, September 04, 2006

for 2 years did the sun not rise,
for 2 years did we have to dwell in the darkest of times,the times when all that was sweet was banished,
& the times when the music of our hearts was not heard,
when the distance between Sreekaryam & Chavadimukku seemed all so small,
when the rhythm of our lives wuz disrupted as the pride in our hearts dimnished,
all tat remained wuz a melancholy strain of in the past what we were,

True greatness can never be hidden,
like a star will it shine,twinkle thru whatever darkness,obstacles it may face,
for the force of the human will is so great that the echo of our voices can break through any barrier known yet,
and hence in the second year of our great dark era,
the muteness around us has begun to disappear,
as the melody of that silken voice has taken over
proclaiming,prophesising to us the true path to the light that lies at the end of our road,

This September CET transforms into the 'Village of Music',
This September we shout out to the whole world of our capability,
This September as the darkness of the night is breached by the roar of the crowd,
waving their hands & banging their feet to the tunes of the true masters,
The chosen ones shall witness the rebirth,the renaissance & the reestablishment of DHWANI,
the greatest show yet witnessed by the abode of Anantha,

So my friends chose u must -whether to be among the elite or whether to be among the normal,
whether to stand out from the rest or whether be among the rest,
whether to be a leader or a meagre follower,
whether to be the one or be none,
whether to witness DHWANI or not,

ITS UP TO U TO WALK THROUGH IT....................................................